Halloween is not a celebration with a big tradition in Greece, but the past years it’s obviously getting bigger. This year a few parties at Athens center, plus the parade of the dead, that the Greek-Mexican community organized, were reasons enough for me to go downtown for some night street shooting. This time i took my speedlight flash with me, set at rear curtain, my canon 24-105mm/4, for -not that quick AF- and my samyang 35mm/1.4 in case i wanted some wide open apertures with no flash. The fact is that i didn’t use Samyang at all, since the light was not enough, and my 5dII is not good at high iso. The other thing that my 5dII is not good at all, is at focusing in the dark, it was embarrassing sometimes…
Anyway, i started my night at Psirri area, were the parade of the dead was held. Not much people attended unfortunatelly, but those who were there, had a lot of fun
After the parade i made a few walks around the area, and ended up at six d.o.g.s. bar were a halloween party was thrown. Its one of the oldest halloween parties in Athens, and every year the crowd attending it is getting larger.